PHP is my most-prominent language, but the premium Intelephense extension (not to be confused with Intelisense) does most of the basic autofill stuff that I'd expect from a full-blown IDE it's certainly not as feature-rich in that front as PhpStorm though. I've found some of the little-known VSCode extensions available to be massive timesavers that just aren't available in anything else. It just makes sense to use something like VSCode where it's easy to utilize project-specific tooling and extensions with the way VSCode is so deeply integrated with Node.js. I code a lot of PHP, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, AutoHotkey, Bash, Batch, PowerShell, and C#.

Also, offloading Docker/Dev to a remote machine means I don't need a super beefy local machine. I have language support for anything I need: PHP/Python/GDScript/C++ in one editor without having to download 8 JetBrain apps. This provides portability, flexibility, minimalism when required. My config file is also sync'd between all machines.

I have everything PHPStorm offers but with ability to SSH into a remote Linux machine for better Docker development. Got use to Vim, and over the years are no longer able to go back. I've used PHPStorm for over 6+ years, but while I enjoyed it, it always felt clunky. VSCode is OK, but not nearly as powerful as PHPStorm. Got tired of my computer jet engines with PHPStorm.